
Medicinal Uses For Cannabis

Marijuana has been used for its healing properties for centuries, but the long-term health benefits of cannabis have only recently begun to be studied in depth. If you’re curious, below are 4 ways that cannabis may be able to help you.



It’s no secret that one of the more notorious side effects of weed is “the munchies,” a seemingly insatiable need to snack. Cannabis use has been linked to the body’s ability to regulate insulin, which helps maintain homeostasis, the state of perfect balance where all your internal systems are acting as efficiently as possible. As a means of alleviating nausea and loss of appetite, cannabis may be prescribed to chemotherapy patients in place of conventional medications.




Unlike THC, which is known to cause psychoactive highs, the chemical CBD offers a broad array of physical effects, not the least of which being its ability to reduce swelling. Both substances are found in cannabis and they interact with the body’s cannabinoid receptors to promote relaxation. Medical marijuana has historically been prescribed to sufferers of arthritis, glaucoma, and menstrual cramps.




With physical relaxation being one of CBD’s most noteworthy effects, cannabinoids have been prescribed for neurological conditions such as multiple sclerosis. While marijuana won’t have a prominent effect on some severe forms of pain like broken bones, in proper doses it can be used to mitigate the muscle spasms associated with Tourette syndrome and Parkinson’s disease and even help regulate seizures. 


Mental Illness


Use of cannabis products is widespread among veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder. Some strains of cannabis are especially known for their mood regulating abilities. CBD promotes focus in those suffering from ADD and calms the minds of patients experiencing psychosis. The variety of symptoms within these diagnoses means not everyone will experience relief on the same scale, but the peace of mind that comes with relief of the above physical symptoms can certainly alleviate anxiety in itself.

There are many more reported benefits currently being studied for their validity. All bodies are unique, so cannabis may not yield the same relief for patients experiencing the same symptoms. Ask your doctor if your symptoms could potentially be managed by an oil, or a topical or inhalable form of cannabis.

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